Brown sugar is synonymous with traditional Indonesian cakes, desserts, or drinks. In the fasting month, brown sugar is widely used, for example, to make a compote. Actually, there are various types of sugar, not just brown sugar.

Brown sugar gives a brown and fragrant aroma and a distinctive sweet taste. That said, it also contains good nutrition compared to cane sugar. In order for the dish to be delicious, choose brown sugar that is suitable, both in texture and sweetness.

Brown sugar contains more macro and micronutrients than white sugar. Brown sugar contains micronutrients such as mineral salts, thiamine (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), nicotinic acid (vitamin B3), pyridoxine (vitamin B6), cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12), ascorbic acid (vitamin C).

Types of brown sugar on the market:

1. Brown Sugar

Brown sugar is the most common Javanese sugar or palm sugar. The sap of coconut trees is tapped, processed, and molded into bamboo (a cylindrical shape of Javanese sugar) or coconut shells (a shell of Javanese sugar). Coconut sugar is widely used by the Javanese for raw materials for soy sauce, sweet drinks, lunkhead, palm sugar syrup, or cakes. The color is darker than brown sugar and is usually a bit dirty, so it must be filtered first.

2. Palm sugar

Palm sugar is almost the same as Javanese sugar. The difference is, the sap is taken from the sap of the palm tree (palm or fro) and is bright brown in color. Some are cylindrical in shape and some are in the shape of a pointed shell, but they are usually wrapped in dried palm leaves. That said, the glycemic index is higher than Aren’s. However, some people prefer palm sugar for making cakes because it is considered more fragrant, delicious, and clean.

3. Granulated sugar

Palm sugar is sugar in the form of crystals or powder, so it is sometimes also called crystal sugar. Its use is more practical because it dissolves easily, plus it is durable because it is dry. This sugar can be added to herbs or warm drinks, bread dough, cakes, or other foods. It can also be used as a topping or a sugar substitute.

Tips for buying sugar

Beware of brown sugar mixed with other ingredients or unclean. If you want to buy brown sugar, choose a surface that is flat, solid, not sandy, and not hollow. Hard texture with an even bright color, not pale or black. In addition, choose whole and not split.

Efficacy and Benefits of Brown Sugar

  1. Prevent an increase in blood sugar.
  2. Cleanses and controls the digestive tract.
  3. Launching metabolism in the body.
  4. Optimizing cell function in the body.
  5. Treat minor wounds.
  6. Substitute white sugar for diabetics, because palm sugar is low in calories.
  7. Overcoming Anemia
  8. Treating typhus
  9. Strengthens the Heart
  10. Reduce pancreatic heat
  11. Helps strengthen teeth
  12. For shortness of breath medicine
  13. Treating Leprosy.
  14. For skincare
    Brown sugar can also be used for skin care, especially on the skin, palm sugar is believed to brighten the skin to make it look, fresher. Substances contained in palm sugar grains such as those contained in palm sugar can regenerate dead skin cells on the face so that the face becomes bright.For skin care, you can process it in the following ways:
    Mix the brown sugar / brown sugar that has been ground with the scrub, then add some olive oil.
    Stir the mixture until evenly distributed then apply the scrub mixture on the face, and let stand for 10 minutes. Then wash your face thoroughly.
  15. Inhibiting premature aging

According to experts in China, the content of brown sugar is believed to improve blood circulation, warm the stomach, increase blood, strengthen the spleen, and relieve pain. For the elderly, it is recommended to consume sugar because usually, the body’s ability to absorb micronutrients and multivitamins slowly decreases. Therefore it is recommended to consume foods and drinks that can maintain metabolism and slow down aging conditions, and brown sugar has these properties.

Researchers in Japan have conducted experiments to extract a polysaccharide called molasses. From these experiments, it was proven that molasses has strong antioxidant properties that are strong enough to fight premature aging. Some experts also recommend that the elderly consume brown sugar as a substitute for regular sugar. For example, in the Nagoya area which is brown sugar in Japan, where the elderly have a tradition of drinking a glass of brown sugar drink every day.

Things to note:
Although sugar has many properties and benefits, there are important things that must be considered. Not everyone and parents can consume this types of sugar. According to Chinese medical science, for those who experience digestive disorders, suffer from heartburn, lack body fluids, or are taking any medication it is not recommended to consume brown sugar.


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