Coconut fruit is one part of the coconut tree that has many benefits. It's the main raw material in the manufacture of coconut derivative products. Coconut fruit can produce Coconut Milk, Coconut Oil, Coconut Chips, or Dried Coconut. This dried coconut has another name: Desiccated Coconut.

Dried coconut comes in various sizes of chunks or flakes: fine and medium. For a fine cut called “Desiccated Coconut Fine Grade”, use Medium Grade for a medium cut. There are 2 levels of fat in it, Low Fat and High Fat. The dryness level of Low Fat is higher than High Fat which tends to have a higher oil content. Even though they have different levels of fat, the texture of dry coconut is still dry and crunchy.

CV Bonafide Anugerah Sentosa is a reliable Desiccated Coconut supplier & manufacturer. Various companies around the world have entrusted their coconut sugar raw material needs to us. Ready to be your business partner to supply it in bulk. Only the finest coconut meat we use to make high-quality Desiccated Coconut Fine Grade. Of course, we also implement a food safety management system in its processing. So that our products are suitable for consumption by all people around the world. We guarantee the cleanliness and quality of our products because our customer satisfaction is a priority.
For offers and detailed information about our products, please click here or call +6282134505737
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