Diabetes mellitus is a medical condition characterized by high blood sugar levels in the body. This high blood sugar level can affect overall health, especially if not treated properly. For this reason, we need to recognize the symptoms of diabetes mellitus in general.



Symptoms of Diabetes Mellitus in old age

6 Symptoms of Diabetes Mellitus in General

1. Frequent urination

Frequent urination can be a sign that your body is having trouble regulating blood sugar levels. Elevated blood sugar levels can cause the kidneys to process more fluids, making you feel the urge to urinate frequently.

2. Excessive thirst

Excessive thirst can also be a symptom of diabetes, especially if you feel constantly thirsty despite drinking lots of water. This happens because high blood sugar levels cause the body to lose a lot of fluids through urination.

3. Leg pain or tingling

Leg pain or tingling can occur when high blood sugar levels cause damage to the nerves in the feet. Damaged nerves are unable to process signals properly, resulting in painful or tingling sensations.

4. Appetite increases

While high blood sugar levels can make you feel tired and weak, it’s also possible that you may feel constantly hungry. This is because the body tries to get more energy from food to overcome the energy shortage caused by high blood sugar levels.

5. Blurred vision

High blood sugar levels can affect your vision. Blurry or foggy vision can be a sign that your blood sugar level is high and can affect your eye health.

6. Wounds that are difficult to heal

Wounds that are difficult to heal can be a sign that your blood sugar level is high. High blood sugar levels can affect the body’s ability to heal wounds, thereby making the healing process slower.


Recognizing the symptoms of diabetes mellitus is important to take preventive measures early. If you experience some of the symptoms above, you should immediately consult a doctor to get the right examination and treatment. In addition, maintaining a healthy lifestyle such as managing your diet, exercising, and avoiding smoking can also help reduce the risk of diabetes.

Source : https://basfood.id/6-gejala-umum-diabetes-melitus/


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  1. […] be one way to prevent repeated spikes in blood sugar levels. This method is one way to recognize the symptoms of diabetes which always targets some […]

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