Coconut Palm Sugar Supplier – Indonesia is one of the largest exporters of coconut sugar and palm sugar in the world. Coconut sugar products such as granulated coconut sugar, liquid coconut sugar, and mold coconut sugar are the main commodities in Europe and America. While some of the leading palm sugar suppliers export palm sugar, many have been exported to Asia-Pacific countries. Coconut sugar producers and suppliers export coconut sugar and palm sugar in organic and conventional forms. Organic products are usually accompanied by a product organic certificate, whereas conventional product forms do not require an organic certificate. Coconut Sugar and Palm Sugar are exported to meet the demands of food and beverage manufacturers around the world. Some chocolate factories, bakeries, and ice cream factories use coconut sugar as a sweetener. Meanwhile, palm sugar is used by manufacturers of sachet drinks and soft drinks for their beverage products.
The increase in demand for coconut sugar in Europe and America after COVID-19 is very significant compared to during the COVID-19 pandemic. This is certainly good news for sugar producers and suppliers in Indonesia to increase their sales. In addition, the demand for coconut sugar and palm sugar products in Indonesia has also increased along with the development of cafes and coffee shops. Cafés and Coffee Shops are the highest consumers of coconut sugar and palm sugar in Indonesia. Because palm sugar coffee and coconut sugar coffee are on the rise there, so coconut sugar and palm sugar are experiencing price increases. However, this can be anticipated by looking for suppliers of coconut sugar and palm sugar who sell it at factory prices.
Organic Palm Sugar Factory
CV. Bonafide Anugerah Sentosa (BAFOOD) is a supplier of coconut sugar and palm sugar which has an organic coconut sugar factory. So the price of palm sugar and coconut sugar that they sell is cheaper than other suppliers. In addition, the organic coconut sugar factory has EU and USDA organic certification from the Control Union. The food safety management system complies with the HACCP standard, so the product is safe for consumption. If you have a food and beverage factory that requires bulk coconut sugar. Or you are a broker and coconut sugar trader who has potential buyers. Contact us, Indonesian coconut sugar suppliers with wholesale coconut sugar prices.
[…] Organic food products have many requirements that must be met, but what are the advantages of organic products for consumers? The following are the benefits of organic food: – Organic products can reduce allergic reactions – Nourish the body to form a natural immune system – Organic products without chemical preservatives contain nutrients and antioxidants – Organic products are more natural so they can prevent cell damage […]